The Øresund Bridge: Bringing us together
The Challenge
How do you remind people of the power of the Øresund Bridge, when crossing it suddenly becomes off-limits? Advance were tasked with creating a campaign that emotionally connected both countries, even when they couldn’t be together physically.
In 2020, the Øresund Bridge went from having a record year to a cataclysmic one. As Covid-19 hit, 44% less drivers took trips across the bridge, and 26% fewer commuted, as working from home became the norm. The result was a devasting cost for both communities and for the bridge too.
Although the campaign, “What do you take home?” (Danish: “Hvad tager du med hjem?”) had to be cut short, we did thankfully have a chance to celebrate the bridge on its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we paid tribute to both sides of the community, with the, “Together we build bridges” (Danish: “Sammen bygger vi broer”) campaign. In true reflection of the bridge’s purpose, more than a hundred thousand people from the region came together online to watch the anniversary culminate in a live concert at the top of the bridge.
Despite hopes and celebrations, travel restrictions lasted longer than expected, traffic never picked up speed and it was clear that the bridge was not going to open fully any time soon due to government restrictions. We needed to build some positive momentum for the brand and so created a campaign that put the bridge top of mind while waiting for normal conditions to return.
The Solution
Differences in the handling of the Covid-19 crisis, meant the usual strong bond between Denmark and Sweden had taken a dip. We had the perfect opportunity to position the Øresund Bridge as the glue in the region. Our concept “Det som binder os sammen” (English: “What binds us together”), was created based on the fact that Denmark and Sweden are neighbours and will always share a deep connection.
Through the campaign, we shared the sentiment that not only do we share a border we also share an emotional commonality. Our lives are made richer, culturally and economically thanks to the Øresund Bridge. With the question "Hvad glæder du dig til på den anden side?" (English: “What are you looking forward to on the other side?”) we started a joyful and hopeful conversation about life after Covid in the Øresund region.

These films capture a hopeful look into the future for the 4-million inhabitants of the Øresund region. The voice of the film is in Swedish and Danish, to connect audiences and draw attention to bridge's unique meaning and hybrid name.

The campaign's hashtag #DetSomBinderOsSammen was launched at the Handball World Championship final between Denmark and Sweden. To celebrate the match, the pylons of the bridge turned red and blue to represent the two countries. What better way to show how the Øresund Bridge unites and connects us.
The Results
Early results of the 20th anniversary campaign:
Despite decline in traffic, the Øresund Bridge has approximately the same number of contract customers as in 2019. The consortium has around 600,000 BroPass customers, of which BroPass Commuters and BroPass Business increase marginally, while the number of BroPass Leisure customers has a very slight decline.